Saturday, July 3, 2010

When GOD gets angry?

Does GOD get angry? If Yes, When does GOD demonstrate the anger?GOD is ‘Nirguna’ (without any adjectives or qualifying attributes) as per Hindu religion. It is we, the devotees, who attribute the adjectives (Shape, Color and other qualifying attributes) to help ourselves remain focused and anchor our mind firmly in devotion. Thus GOD becomes ‘Gunaropita’. Our mythology and sacred texts specifically talk about Triguna’s or ‘Sattva, Rajas and Tamas’ gunas and assign these specific characteristics or attributes to Trimurthi (Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara). However, these texts also clearly praise the GOD, the ‘Para Brahma’ as ‘Guna Rahita’.

We wonder if GOD ever becomes angry given that we expect GOD to be eternally in the composed and undisturbed emotional state of mind. From my understanding of our Relics and Paurana’s – there are at least three to four occasions where GOD in his ‘Avatara’ has demonstrated anger. These Avatara’s are assumed by GOD to send out many clear messages and guidelines to us on subtle aspects of Life and dharma. Hence let me list out these occasions and try to deduce the message it has for us.

· Narasimha Avatara: Hiranya Kashipa has subjected his young son ‘Prahlada’ to so many troubles and made multiple attempts to kill him but could not succeed. Finally Lord Vishnu assumed Narasimha avatara and protected his devotee ‘Prahlada’. In this Avatara, God has assumed very fierce form and could not immediately calm down even after killing ‘Hiranya Kashipa’. On the contrary, we witness only valor and gallantry but not anger when Lord Vishnu killed ‘Hiranyaksha’.

· Rama (Bhargava Rama): King Arjuna (better known as Kaartha Virya Arjun) has overstepped his royal responsibilities and by resorting to forceful abduction of Nandini, magic cow from Bhrigu’s (Jamadagni’s) ashram. He earned Rama’s wrath and invited death to himself. When the sons of Kaartha Virya Ajun have killed the hermit and sage ‘Jamadagni’ who was performing Tapas (deep meditation), Rama not only became furious but he demolished the royal clan all over the world. He established a new order by donating entire land to different people.

· Rama (Raghu Rama): Dasaratha Rama, on his way to Lanka, the island where Ravana has kept abducted Sita, had to cross sea along with his vast army of monkeys. He performed puja and penance to Sagara (Lord of Ocean) requesting him to provide a way. But when Sagara did not respond, Lord Rama became angry and became ready to evaporate the entire ocean with his powerful astra’s. It made Sagara to plead for peace and provided alternate suggestions of Nal and Neel architecting the bridge.

· Krishna: During Kurukshetra, Bhishma has demonstrated his exemplary valor and it looked like the battle turned in Kaurava’s favor. He made impermeable defense arrangements as chief of army staff for kauravas and took the attack to Pandava’s camp. Bhishma had the boon of voluntary death. Krishna had become angry at once and became ready to fight and kill Bhishma ignoring his own decision not to fight and hold any arms.

What is common in all the above instances?Hiranya Kashipa, Kaarth Virya Arjun, Sagar and Bhishma are very powerful.

Natural laws command Hiranya Kashipa to safe guard and protect his son irrespective of his being a demon. He not only violated the natural law but abused his power as king of demons and as father to subject young boy Prahlada to various tortures and punishments.

It is abuse of his sheer power that Kaartha virya Arjun has resorted to, while abducting magic cow Nandini from Jamadagni’s ashram. As a king, he is expected to protect the ashram and its belongings. As a guest, he is supposed to abide by laws of being a guest to ashram. He chose to use power against a hermit and sage performing peaceful meditation in the forest.

Power of Sagar and Bhishma has become an obstacle in the way of establishing dharma on the world. While Sagar refused the way to Rama’s army enabling him to punish and conquer demon Ravan, Bhishma has become protective shield to evil Kaurava’s. The boon of voluntary death and his valor were being misused to protect the evil. GOD’s anger has made it possible to dawn the realization of universal power up on Sagar and Bhishma and they yielded.

GOD became angry when Powerful did not care to protect the innocent and righteous.
GOD became furious when the power is misused or abused.
GOD assumed threatening form when those bestowed with power become impediments to establishing the justice.


  1. Dear Nagaraja,

    Well Done!

    God will "show" his anger as and when required.

    In true sense he will never really "get angry" with anyone as he is beyond all!

    Prasad Chitta.

  2. Dear Nagaraj [Vishwa],

    Good and nicely composed article. Interest to see an article on - 'When God is Happy'

    SVS Prasad
