Thursday, July 8, 2010

GOD born as an Infant

Sri Rama Jananam

GOD is omnipresent. While he is all pervasive, we are unable to view him either within ourselves or outside ourselves because of ‘the layer of ignorance’ or ‘Maya’. It ensues in the great drama or the cycle of birth and death till the ultimate realization dawns (which we call as ‘Moksha’). Everyone is gifted with multiple experiences in his/her lifetime where they get a chance to perceive GOD. Fortunate ones get the clues and progress on the path to enlightenment.

The sacred texts, the stories of God’s manifestations and the interactions with the blessed ones who chose to pursue the path of ‘Knowledge’, ‘Devotion’ and ‘Service’ will help the lesser mortals like us. It is mentioned in our divine literature that ‘Remembering the GOD (Smarana) or chanting the name of the GOD (Bhajana) or Praising the GOD’s glories (Keerthana) or hearing the Bhajan/Keerthan (Sravana) at the time of death leads to ‘Moksha’.

Simple, it may sound, but not so simple to attain it in reality.

Kulasekhara Alwar in his ‘Mukund Mala’ seeks GOD’s blessings to make it possible.

“Diviva Bhuviva Mamastu Vaso, Narakeva Narakanthaka Prakamam, Avadheeritha Saradara vindou, Charanou the maranepi chintayami”

Another such thing which can help us attain such a remarkable act is mentioned in ‘Adhyatma Ramayana’, the excerpt of which is mentioned here with.


GOD manifests himself as ‘Lord Rama’ to Kausalya. There are only a few occasions such as ‘Sri Rama jananam’ or ‘Sri Krishna jananam’ which are detailed in our sacred texts when the GOD is born as a human being. The following text (and translation from ‘Adhyatma Ramayana’) talks about GOD’s manifestation and his dialogue with his mother ‘Kausalya’.

Adhyatma Ramayana : Bala Kaanda : Third Sarga

The GOD who is ‘Jagannadha’ (Lord of Universe), ‘Paramatma’ (Inner / Super soul) and ‘Sanatana’ (The Ancient) is born in the afternoon time of Navami tithi (9th day in Hindu calendar) and Punarvasu star, in the fortnight of waxing moon in the month of Chaitra, with the auspicious Karkataka (Cancer) as ascendant. Five planets are in exalted status at the time of his birth. The Sun is posited in ‘Mesha’ (Aries). The gods have showered the rain of divine flowers from the sky expressing their happiness and zeal.

The GOD in his infant form has the color of his skin resembling blue water lily (Nymphaea nouchali). He has four hands and he is wearing golden silk garments. His eyes are wide and its corners are red in color similar to the red lotus flower (Nelumbo nucifera). He is self illuminating with brightness equivalent to thousand (infinite) Sun’s. He is wearing a crown and has hair falling on his fore head. He holds Conch (Sankha), Chakra, Mace and Lotus flower in his four hands. He has a garland on his chest.

The smile on GOD’s face is reflecting the grace from his heart similar to the moonlight emanating from moon. His eyes are wide as water lily (Nymphaea nouchali) and are completely filled with Kindness and mercy. He is decorated with multiple ornaments covering his holy chest, anklets, bracelets etc.

Kausalya is happily amazed on looking at the GOD. Her eyes are filled with tears of joy. She folded her hands in respect (Hindu way of offering prayers to GODs) and she spoke to him

The choice of words to denote GOD as ‘Jagannadha’ (Lord of Universe), ‘Paramatma’ (Inner / Super soul) and ‘Sanatana’ (The Ancient) are noteworthy. These words caution us to not to get carried away by the illusion of his infant form. The description reinforces the almighty character of GOD. The details of time are of astrological significance and when used with other such details mentioned in the epic, can be used to ascertain the time when the event took place.

It is evident from the following descriptions provided in above text that the GOD has manifested to Kausalya than actually having born as an ordinary human being.

· The unusual physical features described about the GOD’s infant form and the self illumination

· Holding conch, chakra, mace and lotus follower in his hands

· Wearing Golden silk garments and various ornaments

· Smiling and expressive eyes from the very moment Kausalya looked at him

· Instant reaction from Kausalya in offering prayers and conversing with him

Kausalya prayed to GOD as follows:

I worship you, God of Gods, one who is holding divine conch, chakra and mace!!! Thou are the super soul, who cannot be destructed. Thou are limit less and complete in yourself. You are the master (best) of all living things (Purusha here refers to Jeevathma, living soul)

Those who are learned and have knowledge of sacred texts Veda’s, say that, you are above (i.e. you cannot be seen with) the ordinary Mind, Speech, Indriya’s (Five sense organs and five karmendriyas). You are the personification of ultimate knowledge and truth alone.

With your illusionary power (Maya / Yogamaya), you appear to possess the three guna’s (prime adjectives) of Sattva, Rajas and Tama. The universe is created, sustained and destroyed under you magic power of illusion. But you are always beyond and untouched by these guna’s.

You appear to be performing acts, walking, listening, looking but in reality you are neither the karta (performer), nor walking, nor listening, nor looking. i.e. you are above all mundane acts that we attribute to you.

Shruti (Hindu Sacred texts) tell us that You are that pristine form which cannot be measured or understood by (intellectual or imagination capabilities of) mind. You are equally present in all living (plants, animals etc) and non living creatures (which involves the five primal forces such as Air, Soil, Water, Fire and Sky).

Even if you are omnipresent, you are not visible to people whose mind and intellect are covered with ignorance. You are visible only to those who have pure intellect. For them, the cosmos which reside inside your stomach appear like molecules.

The various universes (and people residing there), under the spell of your illusion, think that you are born in my womb. I can see your uncontrolled grace for your devotees. (due to which you gave such a privilege to me)

I am immersed in this material world (compared with an ocean), roaming under your illusion and indulged in bondages such as Husband, Children and Wealth. Now I could approach the rescue of your lotus feet.

Hey GOD!!! Please keep your current Divine form firmly and eternally placed in my heart. Please remove your magic spell (that keeps entire universe under illusion) from me (so that I can worship your divine form in my heart)

Please withdraw your currently un-worldly form and show yourself as tender, innocent infant form that gives cheerfulness and joy. I will get liberated from the darkness of ignorance by cheerfully embracing and talking (to such infant form of thy)

Kausalya, in her prayer, enlightens us with Nirguna tattva of GOD. She also tells us that the path to ‘Moksha’ is achieved only through devotion and elimination of ignorance. On viewing Divine form of Bhagavan Vishnu, she sought the boon only to be able to eternally retain his Divine form in her heart and liberation from Maya.

GOD responded:

Oh Mother, It will happen as you desire. Nothing will happen contrary to what you desire.

Brahma has previously prayed me to lessen the weight on earth (due to rise of demons). I have manifested myself in human form to kill Ravana and other demons.

Dasaradha and your self have performed Tapas (penance and deep meditation) with a desire to obtain me as your son.

You were able to view my divine form as a result of your meditation and prayer (performing Tapas). It is impossible for others (those who are impure / ignorant). You are liberated due to my viewing my divine form.

Whoever reads / listens to our conversation will attain liberation by merging into me. They will be able to remember me at the time of death.

Thus, Rama’s birth, in the third Sarga of Bala Kaanda in Adhyatma Ramayana provides a great opportunity for all devotees to liberate themselves from the cycle of Life and Death and attain Moksha.

***** Sri Rama Jayam *****

1 comment:

  1. The blog post is slightly longer for a quick reading.

    The 40 verse of this Sarga reads as follows:

    yasmin ramante munayah vidyaa ajnana viplave
    tam guruh praha rama iti ramanaat raama iti api.

    This sloka summarizes the "naming" of Rama by the guru Vasista.

    Jaya Sri Rama!
